From fun and simple to fancy and elegant (and everything in between) we will be adding regularly to our exciting new Design Ideas web site section. Look below for a full listing of current Design Ideas!
What exactly are Design Ideas from ?
Our Design Ideas are projects that you can complete at home, on your schedule. Of course if you are local, you can always stop in to make these projects as well.
Our Design Ideas pages show you our fantastic design projects along with basic directions, best of all look below each design for a list of all the supplies you need and add them to your cart with just one click!
Already have some of the supplies? That's easy, simply uncheck any supplies you may already have before adding to your shopping cart.
Complete checkout and in no time we will have your items packed and on their way to you.
Oh, and if you need a reminder when your items arrive it's fast, fun, and easy to visit WildAboutBeads.com to review the design! Just type the design number found on your invoice into our search box!
So, what are you waiting for? Start browsing the current design ideas and remember to check back regularly as they will change from time to time. We will add designs, keep designs, and remove designs based on the materials and availability, so if you see a design you like - make it!